Thursday, 15 October 2009

Primary references

While the Town remains my primary source of inspiration the available information is limited to the green civic society plaques that adorn the walls of the town and the invaluable contemporary historical and first hand knowledge of the locals, I have to smile while I write this, as is the case with every town of historical significance there is a much loved and revered reference to Folklore.

I have so far collected the following books which have brought much to me in the way of both knowledge and an inspiration to move forward to where I am now

The first is A Cumbrian Trilogy by Melvynn Bragg, a romantic though absolutely wonderful story following a family from historic times through the generations to modern times, I have to admit that it was the well research that captivated my sense of history and prevented my finishing the book once contemporary issues were reached.

The second, Lakeland Towns by Jom Watson, a beautifully illustrated book by Cicerone Press that concentrates on the main Towns of Cumbria.

Thirdly, an Historic Photographic record of Kenda, part of the Britain in Old Photographs series Kendal by Margaret and Percy Duff. Wonderful photographs that must have taken so long to acquire as to make it quite invaluable to me, my own collection not even reaching ten as yet, the day is young.

Finally I have a pamphlet type book published by the Kendal Civic Society entitled, A walk around Kendal, this takes in a a descriptive walk through a very tiny part of the Town, and provides good historic information.

Having just returned from a spiritual retreat it will take me a few days to get back into the swing of life at which time I actively start my own journey through the town, with camera and sketchbook there is much to document and discover and will, I am sure, be no quick task, fortunately the exhibition is not until next September, however, now allready October so time will pass quickly.

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